conference 2013



University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, Faculty of Economics-Prilep, Republic of Macedonia, May 18, 2013


Dear doctoral students,
Due to the high number of requests to extend the deadline for abstracts submission, the Organizing committee of the conference has decided to extend the deadline to March 1, 2013.

Call for abstracts
The young researchers in the fields of economics, management and business are permanently facing challenging tasks imposed by the contemporary scientific development. In this context, the University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, the Faculty of Economics-Prilep and the Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and SME Management for the Western Balkan Countries organise international conference entitled “Contemporary research issues in economics, management and business”. The aim of this conference is to provide possibility for doctoral students in the fields of economics, management and business to present the results from their research and to initiate debate about the recent policy challenges. Therefore, it is our pleasure to invite doctoral students in the above mentioned fields to give their contribution by participating in the conference. The abstracts with maximum length of 300 words should be sent on the following e-mail address:

Conference topics
Economics including all related sub-disciplines
Management including all related sub-disciplines
Business including all related sub-disciplines

Venue: Faculty of Economics-Prilep, Republic of Macedonia

Official language: English

Eligible participants: Doctoral students
We offer possibility for the awarded three papers to be published in the UKLO Journal “Horizonti”.

Scientific board
Massimo Bianchi (UNIBO), Italy
Joaquim Verges (UAB), Spain
Stephane Ngo-Mai (UNICE), France
Donika Kercini (AUT), Albania
Fatmir Memaj (UT), Albania
Avdulla Hoti (Dardania), Kosovo
Nada Sekulovska (UKIM), Macedonia
Miroljub Shukarov (SEEU), Macedonia
Marika Basheska-Gjorgieska (UKLO), Macedonia

Organizing committee
Marika Basheska-Gjorgieska (UKLO), Macedonia
Dimitar Nikoloski (UKLO), Macedonia
Marjan Angeleski (UKLO), Macedonia
Olivera Kostoska (UKLO), Macedonia
Tanja Micalevska (UKLO) Macedonia

Registration fee: 30 EUR

Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: February 18, 2013
Notification of acceptance: March 4, 2013
Deadline for paper submission: April 22, 2013
Conference date: May 18, 2013

Contact e-mail:

Guidlines for abstract submission

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