Submission Instructions

Authors are required to respect the following instructions:


  • The scope of submitted text which includes an abstract, bibliography, references, tables and graphs, shouldn’t exceed more than 30.000 characters without space.
  • The first page should contain the Title and Paper Abstract. The title must be written in capital letters, font Times New Roman 12pt, bolded, centered and should not exceed three lines in length. Names of authors come under the title separated with a 1.5 line space in font Times New Roman 11pt. Next to the name of the author add a footnote with the address of the institution of each author as well as the e-mail address.
  • The abstract Heading should be written by font Times New Roman 12pt and align left. Abstract content should be fully justified with 1cm indentation, single spaced, and written with font Times New Roman 12pt, italic. The abstract should contain from 150 words to 300 words. It should clearly summarize the paper and present the objectives of the research.
  • Keywords should be placed under the Abstract and separated by one space. May be used maximum of 5 keywords. Keywords should be written with font Times New Roman 12pt. Keywords must capture the essence of full paper. Words must be listed in decreasing order of importance from left to right.
  • Paper should begin at the second page. Paper content should be fully justified, single spaced with 1cm indentation, and written by font Times New Roman 12pt. Paper subtitles should be centered, bolded, and written with font Times New Roman 12pt in small caps.
  • Tables and figures should be marked appropriate with the number (order of appearance) and the title that describes them. For tables, titles should be placed above the tables and for figures titles should be placed below the figure.
  • Reference list should contain all the used sources in alphabetical order. Reference list must be numbered, left aligned and written with font Times New Roman 12pt. Book and journal titles must be in italics. The second line of each reference should be indented by 1.5 cm (special, hanging). Online sources should be listed with complete details, including the date of visiting the site. Furthermore, references in the text of the paper should be made in a uniform manner.
  • Email adress:

Examples of references in text of the paper:

            (McWilliams and Siegel, 2000, pp.603-609)

            (Keinert, 2008, p.184)

            (Davis, 2009)

Examples of book references:

  1. Sparkes, R. (2002). Social responsible Investment: a Global Revolution.      Hoboken. New Jork: John Wiley & Sons
  1. Donaldson, W. (2008). Ethical Issues in Business: A Philosophical Approach. 8th    Edition. Prentice Hall. New Jork. USA

Examples of articles references (from journals):

  1. Jenkins H.M. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility - Engaging SMEs in the Debate. New Academy Review. 3(3), pp. 76-95

Examples of articles references (from online database):

  1. Baue, W. (2003). Morgan Stanley Study: Correlates Sustainability with Financial Outperformance. SRI Articles. m/news/article.cgi/1289.html (accessed 20.09.2010.)