Call for Papers

International conference



Call for abstracts

The digitalisation in the global village is bringing disruption to the society and economy, in ways we could not have imagined - both in positive direction but also posing versatile challenges. We are working towards a world that needs to work together, collaborate and address complex political, societal, economical, environmental issues, where the digitalisation is no longer new concept but interwoven thread that must be in place in every decision, solution and project. With categories such as digital divide, disruptive innovation, digital natives and digital nomads across the workforce, we are facing new business models, societal structures, collaborative ecosystems, borderless enterprises - a new paradigm that needs to be enforced now, to construct a better tomorrow. It is of utmost importance to take a multidisciplinary stand and offer scientific and applicable approaches for the economy and society - the main focus of our conference.

Conference goal

The goal of the Conference is to enable broad foundation for diverse perspectives of multiple disciplines capturing and effectuating the digitalisation of the economy and society. We aim to capture this relevant aspect of the contemporary world and its projection in the future, according participants’ viewpoints and research. For 11th time, the Conference will provide an opportunity for researchers, practitioners, PhD students and policy makers to give their contribution in considering the issues from theoretical and empirical point of view. In addition, it will offer the possibility to exchange the ideas, build partnerships, share knowledge and experience related to perspectives for improving the SMEs innovation capabilities and enriching the scientific achievements.

Official language: English

  • All papers will have DOI and ISSN numbers.
  • All (accepted) papers will be published in Horizonti, International Journal by the University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola, indexed in Ebsco database.
  • 16 selected papers will be published in two volumes of the Southeast European Review of Business and Economics, a Journal which will be published by the Faculty of Economics - Prilep.